- Graphical application for field and well structural data evaluation and processing.
- Free and open source software.
- Easy to use Graphical User Interface, data processing takes just a few clicks.
- Separate processing and plot for different wells, localities, data types, data groups and formation.
- Displays well structural data on well plots, and field data on stereonets and rose diagrams.
- Tectonic transport direction display and mean transport direction calculation.
- Displaying multiple data groups on the same stereonet.
- Bedding correction for tilting test available.
- Trajectory correction for borehole data is supported.
- K-means clustering to identify data groups in an inhomogeneous data set.
- Eight different inversion methodologies and fracture geometry statistics.
- Data input in Excel or any other spreadsheet application of your choice (such as OpenOffice or Gnumeric).
- Output in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) for individual files, and a single merged file.
- Optionally, Encapsulated Post Script (EPS) is also available as output format, useful for publications.
- Both output options are possible in grayscale as well (ideal for gray scale publications).
- Rich documentation.

- Average calculation for structural trends: average feature dip direction / dip angle calculation along well bore using fix data number bin or fix interval bins.
- Standard deviation and relative error calculation for the processed bins.
- Feature frequency calculation.
- Derivate curve to show out-of-trend zones: investigation of out-of-trend zones using first derivate curve of the average and frequency curves.
- Peak detection for deformation zones: changes on average, frequency and derivate curve can indicate a zone of deformation.
- Faults probability: abrupt change in feature geometry and/or frequency can indicate a zone of deformation.
- Using changes both of average and derivate curve, and reliability of those changes, probability of fault zones can be predicted.

- Angelier or Hoeppner plot, Schmidt or Wulff net, upper or lower hemisphere projections are possible.
- Symmetric / asymmetric (bidirectional / unidirectional) rose diagrams with different bin size are available to plot dip direction or strike of data.
- Contouring data set using four different possible inputs.
- Slickenside data correction on two different ways.
- Full automatic data processing option.
- Average data (e.g. average bedding) calculation using regression.
- Simplified data input and auto completition of input database.
- Paleostress inversion using Turner (1953), Sprang (1972), Michael (1984), Angelier (1990), Fry (1999), Shan et al. (2003) and Mostafa (2005) methodologies
- Bingham directional statistics for fracture sets.
- RUP and ANG stress estimators display, and slickenside clustering using them.
- Resolved shear direction display on stereonet.
- Stress state display on Mohr circle.