• Grateful thanks to my good colleague and co-author Ali Baharev for his help in C++ coding and creating the GUI environment to make your work easier - without his cooperation I never might have the chance to finish the source code of this program.
    The authors, Ágoston Sasvári (left) and Ali Baharev (right)
  • I started work on the first embryonic version of this program at MOL Plc. Great thanks to my manager Gizella Bagoly-Árgyelán and my collegues László Csontos who were so kind to accept, contribute and help my work.
  • Thanks for Agust Gudmundsson, Françoise Bergerat and Bernard Célérier for their kind help during coding of Angelier's inversion methodology. Without their contribution and feedbacks I could not have been able to finish this work.
  • Márton Palotai became a tester of the software; over turned test data set provided by him was used to test the average calculation and bedding correction module.
  • Dan Mircea Tamas gave help for us finding and documenting bugs, much appreciated by the software developer team.
  • Comments of Jef Caers regarding the author's manuscript structure are really appreciated. Special thanks for Christophe Pascal and Damian Delvaux for their effort reviewing our paper.
  • This work is dedicated to the memory of Jacques Angelier.